Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering.― Haruki Murakami
How does music help you? How does it affect you and your creativity? Has it helped you to overcome obstacles and see the world from a different angle?
The answers to these questions will vary from person to person.
This week on the blog, I want to share something different with you, something related to my own creative process, particularly when it comes to writing historical fiction.
For the entirety of my life to this point, music has played an influential role at every stage. I grew up in a household where music was ever-present and appreciated. Whether it was classical or movie music, opera, folk, rock’n roll, period music or punk rock, music was always there. It was always marking big events in my mind, accompanying me on my journeys, accenting my experiences.
When I sift through my own memories, there is always music to go with them.
Who hears music, feels his solitude, Peopled at once.― Robert Browning
Since the beginning of my writing career in my mid-teens, music has always been a part of my creative process.
I write to music, pure and simple. I have to.
Every writer is different, and among those who do write to music I’m sure there is a vast array of musical types that inspire.
For me, the music of choice for writing has always been movie soundtracks. They’re highly emotive and varied, different tracks suited to different types of scenes.
Music is like a dream. One that I cannot hear.― Ludwig van Beethoven
I can’t just write to any type of movie soundtrack, however. You won’t find me listening to Star Wars, Indiana Jones or The Lord of the Rings soundtracks while writing. The images of those films are burned onto my memory and I know the exact part of the movie where every note is played. That would unduly affect my own storytelling.
But there are countless movie soundtracks that, to me, evoke something of the ancient world, are a bit more exotic, and have the power to transport me out of the modern world and into the past.
For each writing project, I create a separate playlist which I will listen to when doing research, riding on the subway to work, driving in my car, or when I’m out for a walk. The music is there at all times when I’m thinking about my work-in-progress.
Today I want to share with you the most prominent soundtracks on my playlist for the book I’m currently writing, Isle of the Blessed (Eagles and Dragons Book IV).
Some of these might be familiar to you, others not, but I hope you will enjoy all of them. Where available, I’ve embedded samples from some of the soundtracks (the samples are often uploaded by individual fans and not the composers, hence the pictures).
*There are a lot of embedded audio files below, so when you first load the page, you will probably need to click ‘refresh’ once on your web browser so that the SoundCl0ud players show up.
(A quick note here in the interests of transparency that the Amazon and iTunes links are affiliate links – this means Eagles and Dragons Publishing will get a small portion of the proceeds if you purchase it)
I hope you enjoy this musical peek into the creative process behind a book I know many of you are waiting for…
Fans of ancient Greece among you will be familiar with the 300 movies, and the soundtrack from the first film has some powerful, really driving tracks. But there are also some wonderfully solemn tracks that make me feel as if I am standing in the shadow of Mt. Taygetus outside of Sparta itself. This soundtrack has been with me on a couple books, from battles to quiet moments with Lucius Metellus himself. The track that particularly stands out to me is ‘Message for the Queen’. (Please forgive the picture this person uploaded – it has nothing to do with the movie!)
(Amazon and iTunes)
It goes without saying that as the Eagles and Dragons series is set in the Roman Empire, that some of the soundtracks should be from movies set there as well. I thought Pompeii was a decent film but it is not one that I watch over and over again, so it was easy for me to separate the images of the film from the music. This movie has some great street scenes in it that really do evoke the hustle and bustle of Pompeii. The track I like for that, is aptly named ‘Streets of Pompeii’.
(Amazon and iTunes)
This is the only non-period movie on the playlist. Hans Zimmer, who is one of the great film composers of our time, really created a fantastic soundtrack with Black Hawk Down. I’ve used this in the past for all previous Eagles and Dragons novels, especially as it evokes the desert and the East for me. However, the track I love most is the very moving ‘Leave No Man Behind’. When writing about soldiers and brotherhood, whether in the ancient world or the present, this track makes you feel.
(Amazon and iTunes)
If you haven’t seen the film Centurion, then you will definitely want to check it out. It’s showing on Netflix at the moment if you’re interested. Obviously this movie takes place during the Roman Empire and Ilan Eshkeri’s soundtrack is a fabulous journey of intensity and despair. One track that I sometimes play on repeat because of its sublime intimacy and ‘moment of calm’ aspect, is the track called ‘Necromancer’. Have a listen. It’s beautiful.
(Amazon and iTunes)
We’re back to the 300 movies, this time with the second one entitled 300: Rise of an Empire, music composed by Junkie XL.
This soundtrack has been one of the most influential on my writing of late, and in addition to inspiring the battle scenes in Warriors of Epona (Eagles and Dragons Book III), and scenes in Isle of the Blessed, it was also a huge inspiration for me when writing the climactic scene for Heart of Fire: A Novel of the Ancient Olympics. The track ‘History of the Greeks’ gives me chills every time. Every track has something to offer here, so you won’t want to miss this one. Here is a sample of several tracks from the album.
(Amazon and iTunes)
One movie that I don’t think got the recognition it deserved is Dracula Untold, and the music for this is no different. Ramin Djawadi, most famous for his soundtracks for the Game of Thrones series, created a fantastic soundtrack for Dracula with glorious highs and lows. One of my favourite tracks on this one is ‘Mirena’. If you like Dracula films with history thrown in, you have to check this out.
(Amazon and iTunes)
Those of you who have known me for a while will know that I’m a big fan of all things Arthurian. When I first saw the BBC series Merlin, I was a bit sceptical at first, but after a few episodes, I was hooked. The series is dramatic, funny, tragic and uplifting and the music and themes created by Rob Lane and Rohan Stevenson are no different. As Isle of the Blessed takes place in Britannia, the music fits nicely with the mystery of the setting. The track ‘Gwen and Arthur’ is a particularly moving one.
(Amazon and iTunes)
Speaking of Ramin Djawadi, it was inevitable that at least one of the Game of Thrones soundtracks should be on my playlist. Actually, the music for both season one and two are on the list. I’m not a super fan of the television series, though I do enjoy it. I am, however, a super fan of the music. The vast array of themes for different characters and settings, countries and more that Ramin Djawadi has created is truly mind-blowing. There’s something for everyone and every situation in the music for Game of Thrones. I am hard-pressed to pick just one track but I have to say that I am post partial to the ‘Winterfell’ theme.
(Amazon and iTunes)
One movie that got absolutely panned at the cinema was Immortals, the movie about Theseus. Now, I have to admit that I actually like this movie quite a bit. Granted, it’s more of a big-time fantasy movie that a serious take on mythology, but that’s ok. These tales are meant to be reinvented. That’s why they’ve lasted so long! Trevor Morris is a composer whose work I’ve enjoyed for a few years and his soundtrack to Immortals is one of my favourites. It just transports me to another time and place and makes me feel like the gods are standing right there with me. The track ‘Do Not Forsake Mankind’ is the track to listen to on this, though they are all pretty fantastic.
(Amazon and iTunes)
Composer Joseph LoDuca is no stranger to television soundtracks, having written the music for the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess shows back in the nineties. He’s been a favourite in our family as my own mother, a former opera singer, performed on the Xena Season Four soundtrack. Joseph LoDuca’s music is fantastically exotic, quirky and emotional. More recently, he composed the music for the television series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand.
Spartacus was a fantastic and gritty series and LoDuca’s music fit the bill perfectly. You really do feel like you are in ancient Rome, on the sands of the amphitheatre, or in the characters’ private dwellings. Check out the soundtrack for the first season, in particular for me, the track ‘No Life Without You’.
(Amazon and iTunes)
A more recent history-themed show is Vikings. This epic series has found quite a bit of success, and the atmosphere that the film makers have created is only enhanced by the music of Trevor Morris. I’ve only delved into the first season’s soundtrack for this series, but it is a wonderfully sprawling and mysterious soundscape. There are so many tracks to choose from, but at the moment, one of my favourites is ‘Ragnar Takes the Throne’.
(Amazon and iTunes)
One of my more recent soundtrack acquisitions is from the Arthurian-themed movie Tristan and Isolde. This is quite simply, a beautiful tragic tale that does this story of doomed-love utmost justice. Composer Anne Dudley has such a knack for inserting gut-wrenching feeling into the most intimate, quiet scenes. This soundtrack has been a big inspiration for Isle of the Blessed. You need to listen to this one right now. I’m especially enjoying the track ‘None Can Die’.
(Amazon – but not available on iTunes)
And finally…
I would be utterly remiss without mentioning the soundtrack that has been with me almost from the beginning of the Eagles and Dragons series – Gladiator.
This is the soundtrack that brought the names of Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard (of Dead Can Dance fame) to the fore, and for good reason. Whenever I write about the grandeur of the Roman Empire, the frontiers of Numidia or Africa Proconsularis, or even Severus’ war in Caledonia, the music from Gladiator is churning in my brain.
I know this movie well, having watched it so many times, so it is strange to me that the images from the film do not intrude on my own conjurings. Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard’s music has succeeded even in transcending director Ridley Scott’s vision and Russell Crowe’s outstanding performance.
I suspect that this soundtrack will be with me for many more books. All the tracks are good, but if you want to hear one of the more haunting ones, listen to ‘The Wheat’.
(Amazon and iTunes)
Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory.― Percy Bysshe Shelley
I hope you’ve enjoyed this peek at the creative process and the wonderful music that is accompanying me on this very personal journey writing Isle of the Blessed.
Like the music, there are highs and lows, moments of inspiration, and times of despair, and that’s the beauty of the creative process, that we get to feel the full range of human emotion. With hope, I can impart the full measure of that to all of you, just as these wonderful composers have done for me.
Thank you for reading.
A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hello Adam,
What a very fascinating idea, making a playlist of evocative musics.
While I don’t use music very often, I have noticed in the past, randomly, that when I put certain music on, low, the way I focus can be affected. For example, I have put on energetic, rhythmic music with a beat, and I find I get more writing accomplished (writing vs reading/researching/note-taking.) When I put on more meditative-type music, I get more outlining, ie focusing on the presentation of my information, fiction or non-fiction.
So what musics do I love:
Ravel’s Bolero (for years I have thought of that as evoking images of a slow caravan through a desert, image-powerful),
Il Grande Amore by the singing trio Il Volo,
Into the West, from Lord of the Rings
Misty Mountains from the Hobbit
Theme from the miniseries Rome
Theme from Da Vinci’s Demons
I will be looking at your suggestions and others now as well.
Glad you enjoyed this post, Marie.
It’s interesting how the different types of music help you in different ways with your own writing. And that’s a great list you have there too! I can definitely see how the Bolero would make you feel like that. And the Rome soundtrack is one of my favourites, though I’m not listening to it on this particular book. Great music! Hope you enjoy some of the suggestions too 🙂 Thank you for your comment!
I can certainly relate to those, great choices.
Cheers, Mike! I actually had to restrain myself from doing a playlist for the entire Eagles and Dragons series. Though it’s not on the Isle of the Blessed playlist, I would certainly also suggest the soundtrack to HBO’s ROME series. Great music as well! Thanks for stopping by!
I ran across your blog (and books) preparing for my first visit to Florence. And have been a silent fan since. Enjoy your style, information abd topics.
Would love to read a post on dogs (yes dogs!) in Roman times. Famous or other .
My dog , Mayra Bone Voyage has a blog Mayra with 8645 followers on FB , 2122 on Twitter in Spanish and English. Would love to link the article to your page . Are you game?
Hi Jenny,
Good to hear from you again. Glad you’ve been enjoying the blog too! What a great idea to do a post about Roman dogs, or pets. Could be a new ‘Ancient Everyday’ post, but I’ll have to do a bit of digging as I’ve never come across anything like that in my studies. Stay tuned… 🙂
Thank you! If I come across any references I will share with you. Keep those wonderful posts coming. So enjoy reading them here in in Andalusia, Spain
Adam, thank you indeed for this compilation of musical treats. Several of these movies are my personal favourites so it was wonderful to listen to their scores on the same page.
Best wishes & keep writing.
Glad you liked it, David. Hope your own writing is going well. Cheers!