I’m going on vacation for the next few weeks, but you can see my daily posts here:
I’ll be taking a pause from the blog until mid-September, but I won’t be off the radar.
I’ve set myself a challenge.
As part of my vacation abroad (you’ll have to follow the Instagram photo stream above to see where I am!), I’m hoping to write a full, first draft of my next book, tentatively titled Heart of Fire.
I may be mad, but I’ve got the research done, and the story outlined. So, we’ll see. If the Muses are with me, I may feel the olive crown resting lightly on my brow. If not, well, it will have been a good experiment.
But I’m determined to get this done, and I’d like you to all follow the journey via the pictures above. If you’re on Facebook, you can ‘Like’ the Eagles and Dragons Facebook page too, since the photos will be flowing directly to that (as well as Twitter) from Instagram.
I just hope I have connectivity where I’m going! What I do know is that there will be history, and beauty, and all the things that inspire a good story.
I’ll try to post a daily picture of a site, an inspiring view, a writing spot and more. I’m also going to try and get some video footage which I’ll be using in the coming months.
I can’t wait to share the adventure with you, and get stuck into the magnificent story I’ve got banging around in my head.
So, stay tuned, and enjoy the rest of your summer.
Cheers, and thank you for reading!