Attention authors!
Today, Eagles and Dragons Publishing is thrilled to announce an important new release in our line of non-fiction books.
You could say that this book has been ten years in the making, ten years of learning, of failure, and of wonderful successes in writing, publishing and marketing historical fiction and historical fantasy.
Publishing has changed a lot in the last decade. A lot has happened. It’s the most exciting time ever to be a writer and publisher of historical novels. But there is also a lot to learn and navigate.
There isn’t much out there to help historical novelists in particular to make their way across this new world of writing and publishing, and so we thought the time was right to share what we’ve learned with our fellow authors and publishers who love to tell stories about the past.
That’s why we’re launching the first of in a new series of Eagles and Dragons Publishing Guides:
Have you ever wanted to write a historical novel, but don’t know where to start?
Have you already written a book, but aren’t sure how to get it out into the world?
Does modern book publishing and marketing overwhelm you?
If any of these questions or other challenges are holding you back, then The Eagles and Dragons Publishing Guide to Researching, Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Historical Fiction and Historical Fantasy can help to jumpstart your author career.
In this short, easy-to-understand guide, #1 bestselling author and historian, Adam Alexander Haviaras, shares proven, actionable tips and tricks that will help you to learn the following:
Historical research methodologies that anyone can use, no matter their level of education, to gather important background information for a novel.
Essential writing tips that will help you to write and complete a convincing historical novel that readers will love.
Publishing options and crucial steps for the historical novelist to succeed in the modern world.
Proven book marketing strategies that will ensure your historical epic gets to readers and turns them into fans.
This guide also includes two bonus sections on important mindset tips for authors so that they can succeed without burning out, and a proven historical novel book launch strategy blueprint that will help get you to #1.
Whether you are someone with an idea for a first novel, or a veteran author in need of reinforcements, everyone is guaranteed to get at least one tip or strategy from this book that will move their author career forward to victory.
It is the best time to be an author. Start your journey today!

Header image from the old ‘Writing the Past’ website – picture of the Sahara in Tunisia, setting for part of Children of Apollo (Eagles and Dragons Book I)
We’re very excited about this new release! But this is not a writing craft book. There aren’t any lessons on grammar and punctuation, or information on point of view or passive voice. However, if you are an established or aspiring author of historical fiction or historical fantasy, you will certainly find something useful in this new, practical book.
But why ‘Writing the Past’?
Well, 2019 marks the tenth anniversary of our blog, Writing the Past. Some of you have been with us from the beginning, but most of you have not.
Basically, in 2009, Adam launched the Writing the Past blog (on the Blogger platform) after hearing about the effectiveness and importance of blogging in getting information out into the world. He launched Writing the Past as a way to share his research for the first Eagles and Dragons novels, but also to share some of his experiences on the writing and publishing journey.
Ten years later, and here we are!
The Writing the Past blog is a bigger success than ever with regular emails coming in from around the world with questions about the books and content about ancient and medieval history, requests for interviews, and even an enquiry from a casting agent for the History Channel!
It’s been an amazing journey and, as on every journey, a lot has been learned.
And we want to share it with you.
Whether you are an established author of historical novels, or someone who is just starting out with an idea for your first work of historical fiction or fantasy, you will find something helpful in this new book.
It is our hope that Writing the Past will help all authors to bring the past to life in an exciting and accessible way for readers, and arm them for the writing success that they seek.
You can get your copy of Writing the Past in all of the on-line stores by CLICKING HERE. The e-book is available now with the paperback coming soon.
So, here’s to 10 years of Writing the Past, and to another ten and more!
Thank you for reading, and we look forward to an exciting future of bringing the past to life.