Happy New Year!
Eagles and Dragons Publishing is thrilled to announce that Adam and Heart of Fire: A Novel of the Ancient Olympics have won SILVER in the ‘Jules Verne Historical Fantasy and Sci-Fi’ category of the 2024 Historical Fiction Company (HFC) book awards.
See the full list of winners HERE.
On top of this award, earlier in 2024 The Historical Fiction Company awarded Heart of Fire the ‘Highly-Recommended’ Award of Excellence, and also wrote a lengthy and shining editorial review of the book. You can read the full review on the Historical Fiction Company’s website at the link below:
https://www. thehistoricalfictioncompany. com/post/a-mercenary-a- princess-olympic-glory-an- editorial-review-of-heart-of- fire
This past autumn, Heart of Fire also won the ‘Distinguished Favorite’ award in the Historical Fiction category of the 2024 NYC Big Book Award competition.
We are all very proud of this epic novel’s international successes!
If you haven’t read this award-winning book, you can get a copy at the following link:
Thank you to all of our fans and readers, and thank you for reading!