Greetings Readers and History-Lovers,
Today, November the 11th, is Remembrance Day in the British Commonwealth, and Veterans Day in the United States.
This is a sacred day, for on this day we remember and honour the men and women in uniform, past and present, who risked, and are risking, their lives to keep us safe in this world.
It doesn’t matter what side of the political divide you find yourself, or whether you ‘agree’ with a specific conflict. Our courageous soldiers go where they are sent. They do the work most people shun and are terrified of. They tread pathways beyond the darkness so that we are not all dragged into that darkness.
Today we offer a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ and our deepest gratitude to our troops.
Thank you for all that you have done, and all that you are doing for the rest of us, for our safety and for our collective freedom.
Lest We Forget…
*Something to think about..
Because of the dread task our troops face, the lives they lead, and the things they suffer for all our benefit, we [the Team at Eagles and Dragons Publishing] firmly believe that all members of the military, and their families, should be permanently except from taxation, that they should have FREE post-secondary education (no matter the college or university), and that they should have proper pensions after their service.
It is the least our governments can do for them after all that they have endured.
Support our Troops!