Adam Alexander Haviaras

Hi there. My name is Adam, and I’ve been a writer and historian for over 30 years. I’m the author of over twenty-five fiction and non-fiction books, including the award-winning Etrurian Players series, and the #1 best-selling Eagles and Dragons historical fantasy series.

Over the years, I’ve studied ancient and medieval history and archaeology at the University of Toronto, Canada, and St. Andrews University, Scotland.

As a young man, I fell in love simultaneously with both history and creative writing. Ever since then, I’ve endeavoured to meld these two passions to find the perfect balance of accurate historical fact and fiction.

In 2014, I founded Eagles and Dragons Publishing as a way to bring the ancient and medieval worlds to life through unique, high-quality historical fiction/fantasy, and non-fiction that is accessible to everyone. Since then, we have gone on to sell books in over 35 countries around the world.

We are grateful for our readers around the world! (map data source: Kobo Writing Life)

I also enjoy working as a publishing consultant and author coach to help others achieve success through one-on-one sessions and group workshops.


Researching Roman sites around Matmata, Tunisia

Whenever I can, I always try to travel to the locations I’m writing about. I love to share these experiences which, I feel, are essential to recreating the richness of the ancient and medieval worlds. You’ll find me sharing these travel experiences and much more on the Writing the Past blog which has been going since 2009, and on the Eagles and Dragons Publishing YouTube channel where we post tours of historical and archaeological sites and other videos.

At the moment, I live with my wife and children in Stratford, Ontario where I’m currently thinking up new story ideas that will show readers how truly exciting and entertaining history and mythology can be.

If you are interested in becoming a patron of Eagles and Dragons Publishing and all of the exciting work we are planning for the future, you can check out our Patreon page by CLICKING HERE.

You can connect with me and the team on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or through the Eagles and Dragons Facebook page.

Be sure to also check out and subscribe to the Eagles and Dragons Publishing YouTube channel and Rumble channel to watch our short, fun and informative videos and our popular mini documentaries that explore many of the settings in my books.

The best way to stay in touch and get updates about future books, blogs, videos and more is by signing up for the Eagles and Dragons Publishing Newsletter. You can get a FREE Eagles and Dragons series book when you sign-up by CLICKING HERE.

I love to connect with my readers and fellow history-lovers, so be sure to say Hi!


Athens' Keramaikos

Athens’ Kerameikos

CLICK HERE to watch Adam’s series of mini documentaries and other videos.

Articles written by Adam for other sites:

From the Sands of Africa to a Hidden Frontier in Northern Britain

Writing In Insula Avalonia (The Suspension of Disbelief)

On Historical Fantasy

Historical Fiction and Site Visits

Questing for Inspiration


Find out more about Adam in these author interviews:

Luciana Cavallaro: Q & A with Adam Alexander Haviaras about research and the darker side of writing

A. David Singh: Q & A with historical fiction author Adam Alexander Haviaras

Awkward: An Interview with Adam Haviaras

Effrosyni’s Blog: An Interview with Author and Historian, Adam Alexander Haviaras

Bella Harte Books: Sunday Spotlight – Talking with Adam

19 thoughts on “Adam Alexander Haviaras

  1. I have just “discovered” you and your work in the last few minutes. You are doing what I wish I had done in my younger years, I am now 66. I made a life in the law and politics, and I am certain a day never passed when I did not touch my few ancient coins and other artifacts kept in my desk, and one in my wallet.
    I know this will sound a bit silly, but that contact always grounded me, and reminded me that all things pass in the amazing sweep of man’s adventure on this planet.
    As I watch my own country, the US, descend into idiocy I have no illusions, it has happened to many peoples all through time, and something hopefully good and beautiful will replace it.
    I look forward to reading your work, and living a bit of your adventures from your various postings.
    Walter J. Price III
    WV USA

    • Thank you for the kind words, Walter. I too feel grounded by history when the everyday really gets me down. It is always the perfect perspective check, and shows me the world, the past, is much much bigger than the idiocy we see (sadly) day-to-day. Just back from the holiday now, so more blog posts on the way! Thank you for you comments 🙂

  2. Thanks for this book, Adam. You get better with every one I read. The plot was exciting and the characters had a lot of depth. I really enjoyed it and look forward to more from you.

  3. Completed Killing the Hydra just now. Wonderful story, thank you for writing it. I started day before yesterday with book 0 and kept right on until just now. Can’t wait for next one.
    I am now 63 and while my professional life is as a CPA my passion has always been history. I was fortunate enough to spend a full season digging at Ashkelon in Israel with a Harvard University expedition in 1990. Your wonderful books have an energy about them that is for me reminiscent of my time spent doing work there. You tell a great story and I can’t wait to read all you write. Thanks again.

    • Thank you for your kind words, Stephen. I’m glad you enjoyed the books. You’re a fast reader! The dig at Ashkelon sounds amazing. I’ll endeavour to keep the stories riveting! The next book in the series, Warriors of Epona, should be out in the Fall, so stay tuned! Cheers and many thanks for your comments 🙂

      • Ashkelon was amazing. I was there the year the “golden calf” was found. The New York Times mistakenly reported the find as such. Front page too if my memory serves. I think it is referred to as the “silver calf” now by Harvard. Anyway it was one of the most exciting things I have ever done, the dig that is.
        I am a fast reader and particularly so when I find something really good. Not so fast that I can’t savor really good books though.
        Thank you for your reply. I just now looked not really expecting one and there you were. Exciting for me to “speak” with you. This is actually the first time I was struck enough to try to communicate like this.
        Again thank you.

        • Sounds fantastic, Stephen. And again, thank you for the kind words about the books. It is very gratifying to know that you are enjoying them so much. If you have the time, please do post reviews of the books where you got them. Reviews are very important in helping new readers find the books. And if you want to talk history, that is one of the raison d’être for this site, to share a common love of history. So, your comments are welcome anytime. Cheers!

  4. Just finished part one of the Carpathian Interlude. Going to go right in to part 2 after I write this.
    You are an amazing storyteller! !
    Have a wonderful trip which I read about earlier.
    Best wishes from,
    Ashkelon Stephen

  5. Excellent read Adam I have just read your 3 eagles and dragons and can’t wait on number 4 when is it due out
    It gives a good insight of how they lived back then and worshiped. Thanks again.

    • Thanks for the kind words, George! So glad you are enjoying the books. I hope to have book four of the Eagles and Dragons series out sometime in the Fall. Stay tuned! 🙂

  6. Hi Adam,
    What a lovely photo of you, (the first portrait one.)
    I am a historian of the Florentine Renaissance. Well, not practicing right now. Have a master’s in it and used to teach at the community college level. Now I live in Tuscany and as an American the only visa I could get does not allow me to work, so instead I’m writing books. I recently published a memoir about my walk on Italy’s ancient pilgrimage route. It has been fun to look around your site!

    • Hi Chandi, Glad you found the website and that you find it interesting. I’m a big Italophile myself, having spent a lot of time in Tuscany, particularly Chianti Classico. I also set part of my books there, so the area does mean a lot to me. You’re website looks like it has a lot of useful info! Thanks so much for your comment and hope to see you again around the blog. Cheers!

  7. Hi Adam, I have just finished reading Isle of the Blessed and I want to read it all over again because I found it so riveting. Even though you class it as fiction I found your historical research excellent. As you know, Septimius Severus is one of my favourite characters of the ancient Roman world so this was definately the book for me. The intrigue between the traitors of Rome and the tribes leading to the battles you describe to absolute perfection and leaves one exhausted as if in the battle themselves. What a fantastic Author you are Adam to have so much impact on your readers. Best wishes for your future books.

    • Thank you for the kind words, Rita. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book. And even though it is fiction, the historian in me always aims for the best historical research to bring the story to life. Cheers! 🙂

  8. Hi Adam, Thank you for thinking of your readers during these trying times of isolation and I hope you and your family are coping , it certainly is a trying time. However, like yourself I have been busy not only with my own study of the Linear B scripts of the Mycenaean world but also reading your wonderful books. If you remember I had read lsle of the Blessed and you advised me to read books I should have read before this in the series. So, I have now read Dragon among the Eagles, Killing the Hydra Children of Apollo and am now reading Warriors of Epona ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS !! I couldn’t wait to read the follow on of each book. I love how you weave the gods in your stories and the devotion among the legions for Mettelus. My lovely niece will now order your next book for me which I think is about the Greeks. Best wishes to you
    and your family Stay healthy and safe.

    • Thank you for the kind words, Rita. I hope you are keeping well during this time. And I’m thrilled you have been enjoying the books! Stay safe, and I hope it is a lovely summer for you on Crete! 🙂

  9. Jupiter Optimus Maximus! Your Dickensian tale of Saturnalia overwhelmed me. I’m a fan of that story, and would not see it sullied. You didnt, and your Roman gods were affecting. Kudos.

    • Thank you for the kind words, Donald! So glad you enjoyed Saturnalia! I undertook that retelling with great respect as I too love Dickens’ tale and read it every year. Cheers to you 🙂

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