Article Archive

Writing the Past Article Archive

Welcome to the Writing the Past Article Archive!

Our blog, Writing the Past, was begun by Adam Alexander Haviaras back in 2009 as a way to share his research for his books on a wide range of topics from ancient and medieval history and archaeology.

Over the years, many of our readers’ favourite posts became buried and were forgotten. Eagles and Dragons Publishing has created the Article Archive to make all of these posts more accessible so that our followers can re-visit posts, and so that first-time visitors can see what has gone before.

To make it a bit easier to navigate, we have divided the articles by historical period because…well…we all have our preferences!

Whenever we post a new article on the blog, we will also add it to the Article Archive so that it is kept up-to-date.

If you have any input, or if you would like to say something about your favourite article, please let us know in the comments below! And if you are a student or researcher who makes use of our articles, please be sure to cite Adam Alexander Haviaras and Eagles and Dragons Publishing.

For reprint permissions, periodical and other publishers must contact Eagles and Dragons Publishing directly HERE.

We hope you enjoy, and we thank you for reading.

Ancient Greece

Philotimo – An Ancient Word Worth Remembering

Argonautica – Love and the Forging of a Hero

The Amphipolis Tomb – The Discoveries and Theories

Pythagoras’ Golden Verses – For a Good Life

Tiryns – Mycenaean Stronghold and Place of Legend

War without the Shooting – Sport and Strife in Ancient Athletic Competition

The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus

Ancient Epidaurus – The Sanctuary of Asklepios

Facing Fear with the 300 Spartans

Ancient Nemea – The History, Archaeology, and Mythology

The Ancient Theatre of Argos

The Mythological Beginnings of the Olympic Games

Heraia – The Games of the Goddess Hera

The Pyramids of Ancient Greece

Achieving Immortality – To be an Olympic Victor in the Ancient World

Kyniska of Sparta – The Woman Who Made Olympic History

From Legend to Life – Chariot Racing in the Ancient Olympics

Boxing in the Ancient Olympic Games

Honouring the Gods – Religion and the Olympic Games

Ancient Olympia in 396 B.C.

Athletics and War in Ancient Greece

776 B.C. – The Historical Beginnings of the Olympic Games

The Triumphs of Herakles

The Tragedy of Herakles

Ancient Orphanage – The Sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron

Peloponnesian Eyrie – The Temple of Apollo Epikourios

Delos – A Visual Odyssey

The Pyramid of Hellinikon

Delphi – Walking Sacred Ground

Ancient Eleusis and the Mysteries

The Pylos Combat Agate and the Griffin Warrior Tomb

Agora – A Visit to the Heart of Ancient Athens

The Delphic Maxims – An Ancient Light in the Dark

From Zero to Hero – The Story of an Epic Race

Delphi: Visiting the Sanctuary of a God

Honouring Love – Festivals of the Goddess in Ancient Greece and Rome

Epidaurus – Place of Dreams and Healing

The Tombs of Mycenae

Return to Mycenae – A Tour of the Archaeological Site

Ghosts of Akrotiri

Nemea – The Myth and Place

Drama and Theatres in Ancient Athens


Ancient Rome and the Roman Empire

Roman North Africa

The Severans

The Varus Disaster

Zeugma – Art and the Riches of Asia

The Cult of Mithras

Rome: Caput Mundi

Mirrors in the Ancient World


Ode to the Bardo Museum

Hatra – The Sad Death of an Historic Site

Dancing Priests and the Month of Mars

Bathing in Ancient Rome

Getting Social with Sponges (on Roman latrines)

Cumae and the Sibyl

The City of Alexander

Cities Under Siege – The Severan Invasion of Parthia

The Parthian Empire

The Imperial Roman Legion

The Roman Empire in A.D. 197

Childbirth in the Ancient World

Cups – Happy Hour in the Roman Empire

Medicus! – Physicians in the Roman Empire

Garum – MSG of the Roman World

Desert Legion: The Fortress of Lambaesis – Imagining Saharan Frontier Life

Horse Warriors – The Sarmatians

Thugga – Walking through a Roman Ghost Town

Prostitution in the Roman Empire

Leptis Magna – The Jewel of Roman North Africa

Florentia – The Roman origins of Florence

Legions in the North – The Romans in Scotland

Battle Line – The Gask Ridge Frontier

Combatants – The Tribes of the North

Trimontium – The Place of Three Peaks

Caligula – From Little Boots to Maniacal Monster

Mars – God of War and…Agriculture?

The Elusive Etruscans

Paterfamilias – The Father in Roman Society

Gaius Asinius Pollio and the first Public Library in Ancient Rome

Telling Time in the Roman World

The Days and Weeks in Ancient Rome

The Calendar in Ancient Rome

Tracking the Years in Ancient Rome

Sarmizegethusa – Fortress of the Dacians

Roman Armour and Clothing

Roman Weapons

Mithras, Lord of Light

The General Muleteer – Publius Ventidius Bassus

Pee and Laundry in the Roman World

Roman Ghosts – Shades in Eburacum

Gladiators – The Implements of Death

Sacrifice in the Roman World

Oil Lamps in Ancient Rome

Roman BBQ

Roman Ghosts – Sentries of the Saxon Shore

Pets in Ancient Rome

Coinage in Ancient Rome

Chariot Racing in Ancient Rome

Food and Dining in Ancient Rome (Part I)

Food and Dining in Ancient Rome (Part II)

Marriage and Divorce in Ancient Rome

Roman Ghosts – Pliny and the Spectral Haircut

The Siesta in Ancient Rome

The Cursus Honorum in Ancient Rome

The Antonine Wall

Cities for the Legions – A Brief Look at the Roman Fortress

Education in Ancient Rome

Roman Ghosts – Roots of Death and the Imperial Spectre

Io Saturnalia! – Celebrating ‘The best of days’ in Ancient Rome

Roman Lindinis: The Small Town with Big Ambitions

Sibling Rivalry: The Plot to Kill Commodus

The Antonine Plague: Pestilence and Pandemic in Ancient Rome

The Two Emperors of Rome

The Evocati

The Three Dacias

The Romans in Cornwall

Isca Dumnoniorum: A Brief look at Roman Exeter

The Severan Invasion of Caledonia: Victory or Failure?

Mass Murder in Roman York

The Death of an Emperor (Septimius Severus)

The Court of Severus in Eburacum

Government in Ancient Rome (Part I)

Government in Ancient Rome (Part II)

Religious Rites in Ancient Rome

Numina Romana – Spirits in Roman Religion

Literature in Ancient Rome

Janus – The Faces of a Roman God

Carthago Nova – From Punic Outpost to Center of Roman Trade

Position of Power – The Praetorian Guard and the Castra Praetoria of Rome

Communis Patria – The Constitutio Antoniniana

Travel and Transportation in the Roman Empire

Caracalla: Emperor and Murderer

An Introduction to the Republican Roman Legion

Io Saturnalia! – The Great Festival Through the Eyes of Ancient Romans

Imperial Hubris – The Rise and Fall of Caracalla and Macrinus

Antioch – Rome of the East

Pastoral Idyll – A Brief Look at Roman Etruria

Humour and Comedy in Ancient Rome 

Theatres in Ancient Rome

Drama and Actors in Ancient Rome

Revisiting the Etruscan Tomb of Montecalvario

Celebrating Birthdays in Ancient Rome

Mosaics and Mosaicists in the Roman Empire

Gladiators in Ancient Rome

Plautus – Playwright of the Roman People

The Theatre of Pompey

Doctors in the Roman Empire

The Games of Apollo

The Roman Agora of Athens

Roman Monuments of Athens


Arthurian and Celtic Studies

In Insula Avalonia – Camelot: The Fortress of Arthur

Samhain at the Gates of Annwn

Epona – Goddess of Horses

Oh, Picts!

Pwyll Prince of Dyfed – Celtic Archetypes in the Mabinogi

Arthurian Romance and the Knightly Ideal

Y Gododdin – The Last Stand of Three Hundred Britons

The Dragon’s Domus – South Cadbury Castle


Ynis Wytrin: The Place Beyond the Mists

Annwn – Th Celtic Otherworld

Seaside Fortress – The Mystery of Tintagel Castle

An Ancient Landscape – Arthurian Sites on Bodmin Moor



The Middle Ages

1066 – The Bayeux Tapestry and the Weaving of History

The Ruin – An Anglo-Saxon Poem of the Past

The World of Rosslyn Chapple

Nunney Castle – A Somerset Fortress

Tiverton Castle – an Idyllic Escape in Devon





The Worlds of...

The World Heart of Fire

The World of Sincerity is a Goddess

The World of The Dragon: Genesis

The World of A Dragon among the Eagles

The World of Children of Apollo

The World of Killing the Hydra

The World of Warriors of Epona

The World of Isle of the Blessed

The World of The Stolen Throne

The World of The Blood Road

The World of The Carpathian Interlude



Writing and Historical Research

Mythologia – Retelling the Myths

Quiet and Contemplative – Essentials for Writing Historical Fiction

Beauty in the Land of the Dead

End of a Summer Odyssey

Top 10 Ways to Get Excited about History

Writing an Ancient Boxing Scene

The Nine Muses – Creativity and the Higher Realm

The Hero’s Journey in Ancient Myth and Storytelling

Writing Ancient Religion

Inspiration for Writing the Past – An Eagles and Dragons Playlist

Helping Authors Bring the Past to Life

The Story of Bellerophon and the Chimera

The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice

Exploring the World of Gods, Goddesses and Heroes



Miscellaneous articles

Remembrance Day – Healing Wounds with Ancient Greek Tragedy

A Short History of Halloween

Monsters in the Dark: Werewolves in the Ancient World

Roaming the Past – Documentaries to Fire Your Passion for History

Humour in the Ancient World

Preserving the Past – Some Thoughts on the Importance of Historic Places

A Head for War – Top 10 Ancient and Medieval Battle Helmets

Harvest Time – From Eleusis to Avalon

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Rewarding Sacrifice – What today’s world leaders can learn from Alexander the Great

The Colosseum – First Impressions and Edgar Allan Poe

The Warrior’s Homecoming

Ancient Demons – The Battle Between Light and Dark

Remembrance Day – Healing Veterans with Shakespeare

Seven Outstanding Women from the Ancient and Medieval World

The Democratic Dilemma – Ancient Democracies and the Decision to Wage War



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